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The Matte Revolution: Elevating STADC’s Custom Timber Furniture & Cabinets

Custom Timber Furniture & Cabinets

In the world of timber furniture and cabinets, not all finishes are created equal. At STADC surfaces, we’ve mastered the art of natural beauty with our high scratch and water resistance polish, offering a matte finish that sets our pieces apart. Welcome to the matte revolution!

Our matte polish accentuates the timber’s natural grains, giving each furniture piece its unique narrative. Though it may look soft, our polish packs a punch. It’s built to resist scratches and rebel against water, ensuring longevity.

Our polish isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s an ode to our expertise in timber crafting and chemical engineering.

Be it a statement coffee table or a subtle sideboard, our polish ensures each piece is not just a showstopper, but also lasts generations.

Our trained artisans, with a keen eye for detail, apply the polish with precision to ensure even coverage and perfect adherence.

The Process

We ensure the timber surface is flawless before application. This isn’t a conveyor belt job. 

We meticulously apply the polish, ensuring every nook and cranny is covered.

Post application, we run rigorous checks to ensure the finish meets our high standards.

The STADC Promise

With our matte finish, your furniture and cabinets won’t just blend in; they’ll be the room’s centerpiece. Our polish isn’t superficial. It penetrates and protects, ensuring your timber pieces face the tests of time with grace.

Crafted in Adelaide Hills, our polish is eco-friendly, reflecting our love for nature

Caring for Your Matte-Finished Furniture & Cabinets

Here are some simple tips to ensure your furniture and cabinets remain in tip-top condition.

Gentle Cleaning: Use a soft cloth and mild cleanser to keep the matte glow alive.

Spills? No Worries!: With our water-resistant polish, a quick wipe is all you need.

Regular Dusting: Dust can diminish the matte effect. A light dusting keeps things fresh and refined.

Timeless Elegance in Custom Timber Furniture and Cabinets

Matte might be a trend in many industries, but at STADC surfaces, it’s our signature. It defines our commitment to quality, our attention to detail, and our promise of durability. In the age of fleeting fads, we’re offering timeless elegance. Your custom timber furniture and cabinets deserve nothing less.